Professional Care Services

for Children and Elderly Care

With our expert staff, we offer 24/7 reliable babysitting services for your baby, child and elderlies. Our caregivers have many years of experience in their field and have a friendly and reliable work history. Our caregivers have many years of experience in their field and have a friendly and reliable work history. Our services are offered with the guarantee of Elmas Danışmanlık. Elmas Consulting adopts reliability and business ethics as a priority.


Looking for Care Services?

Our babysitting services can be boarding or part-time, depending on your preference. For detailed information, you can contact us with our phone numbers or send a message via our website. To send a message, please click this link and send the details of the service you want to receive and the complete explanations about your requests.

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Are you looking for opportunity as Caregiver?

Elmas Consulting offers suitable job opportunities and opportunities for our esteemed caregivers regarding babysitting services. For detailed information, you can contact us with our phone numbers or send a message via our website. To send a message, please click this link and send the details of the service you want to receive and the complete explanations about your requests.

<<< i want to be a care professional >>>


Care Service Opportunities in Germany

Elmas Danışmanlık provides babysitting services in every region of Germany with its experienced staff. If you require care service or if you want to benefit from job opportunities as a caregiver in Germany, you can contact us by filling out the contact form.

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